Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet!!! My name is Vivian, as you've probably gathered from this sites name. I created this place as a way to get away from a lot of my annoyances with modern social media and the internet as a whole. It's not much yet, but im hoping soon this website will function as an area for me to post all about my interests and whatever i care about. Feel free to stick around if you'd like, all are welcome here!

Some things that I'm especially passionate about are 90s alternative rock and similar kinds of music, Celtic mythology and paganism, old video game consoles (especially the Sega Saturn, the Dreamcast, the Xbox, ect), old eras of the internet (90s-early 2010s) as well as old versions of popular games such as Minecraft and Geometry Dash.

I'm hoping to set up a blog here soon where I discuss all of the above and more assorted shit that I care about, so if any of that appeals to you, I hope you enjoy my site. Have a great day!!!